Iso 2531 Pdfl
1 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 2531 Sixth edition Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water applications Tuyaux, raccords et accessoires en fonte ductile et leurs assemblages pour l'eau Reference number ISO 2531:2009(E) ISO 2009
4 Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 2531 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 5, Ferrous metal pipes and metallic fittings, Subcommittee SC 2, Cast iron pipes, fittings and their joints. This sixth edition cancels and replaces the fifth edition (ISO 2531:1998), of which it constitutes a technical revision. A new classification system for pipes and fittings based on pressure is introduced with minimum wall thickness determined by allowable operating pressure. iv ISO 2009 All rights reserved
5 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 2531:2009(E) Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water applications 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the requirements and test methods applicable to ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for the construction of pipelines: to convey water (e.g. for human consumption and raw water), operated with or without pressure, and installed below or above ground. NOTE In this International Standard, all pressures are relative pressures expressed in bar 1). This International Standard specifies materials, dimensions and tolerances, mechanical properties and standard coatings of pipes, fittings and accessories. It also gives performance requirements for all components including joints. This International Standard applies to pipes, fittings and accessories cast by any type of foundry process or manufactured by fabrication of cast components, as well as corresponding joints in the size range DN 40 to DN 2600 inclusive. It is applicable to pipes, fittings and accessories which are manufactured with socketed, flanged or spigot ends (joint design and gasket shapes are outside the scope of this International Standard), normally delivered internally and externally coated. Pipes and fittings are classified according to allowable operating pressure. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 4016, Hexagon head bolts Product grade C ISO 4034, Hexagon nuts Product grade C ISO 4633, Rubber seals Joint rings for water supply, drainage and sewerage pipelines Specification for materials ISO , Metallic materials Brinell hardness test - Part 1: Test method ISO , Metallic flanges Part 2: Cast iron flanges 1) 100 kpa = 1 bar ISO 2009 All rights reserved 1
17 4.5 Coatings and linings for fittings and accessories Fittings and accessories shall normally be delivered internally and externally coated External coatings Ductile iron pipeline systems can be installed in a wide range of external operating environments. These environments can be characterized by their aggressivity. For relevant factors, see A.1. Coatings specified by relevant International Standards are available as specified in A.3. Other coatings are also available Internal linings Ductile iron pipeline systems can be used to convey a wide range of raw waters and potable waters. These internal environments can be characterized according to their aggressivity. Relevant factors to be considered for cement mortar linings without seal coats are given in B.1. Linings specified by relevant International Standards are available as specified in B.3. Other linings are also available. 4.6 Marking All pipes and fittings shall be durably and legibly marked and shall bear at least the following indications: a) a reference to this International Standard, i.e. ISO 2531; b) the manufacturer s name or mark; c) identification of the year of manufacture; d) identification as ductile iron; e) the DN; f) the PN rating of flanges, if applicable; g) the C pressure class of socket and spigot pipe. Items b) to f) shall be cast-on or cold stamped. Items a) and g) can be applied by any method, e.g. painted on the castings. 5 Leaktightness requirements 5.1 Pipes and fittings Pipes and fittings shall be designed to be leaktight at their allowable site test pressure (PEA). They shall be tested according to 6.5 and shall exhibit no visible leakage, sweating or any other sign of failure. 5.2 Flexible joints General All flexible joints for ductile iron pipes and components shall be designed in compliance with the requirements of 5.2. If the design has been tested and documented by the manufacturer and successfully used for a minimum of 10 years, the performance of a type test as specified in for internal pressure, as specified ISO 2009 All rights reserved 13
4 TUYAUX FONTE DUCTILE - AEP EN 545 ISO 2531 e DE L Diamètre extérieur DE Epaisseur fonte e (K9) Pression Epaisseur fonte e (C40) Pression minimale minimale DN Nominal Tolérance Nominal Tolérance d'essai en Nominal Tolérance d'essai en (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) usine (bar) (mm) (mm) usine (bar) K9 C à ,0-1,3 50 4,8-1, à ,0-1,3 50 4,8-1, à ,0-1,3 50 4,8-1, à ,0-1,5 50 5,0-1, à ,3-1,5 50 5,4-1, à ,8-1,6 50 5,8-1, à ,2-1,6 50 6,2-1, à ,7-1,7 40 7,0-1, à ,1-1,7 40 7,8-1, à ,6-1, à ,0-1, à ,9-1, à , à ,7-2, à ,6-2, à ,5-2, La classe d' épaisseur des tuyaux est marquée sur le fût lorsqu'elle diffère de la classe K9. Ainsi, les tuyaux classe C40 sont marqués 'C40' selon la norme NF EN 545 : Electrosteel peut également fournir, à la demande de ses clients, des tuyaux classes K7, K8, K10, K12. L' épaisseur de la paroi fonte est donnée par la formule: e = K( DN). 4
6 RACCORDS A EMBOITEMENTS AVEC JOINTS AUTOMATIQUES EN 545 ISO 2531 COUDE 90 (1/4) DN e L mm mm mm 80 7, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , COUDE 45 (1/8) DN e L mm mm mm 80 7, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
10 RACCORDS A EMBOITEMENTS AVEC JOINTS AUTOMATIQUES EN 545 ISO 2531 TE 3 EMBOITEMENTS TE 2 EMBOITEMENTS ET TUBULURE BRIDE Ø nominal e e1 L h DN DN Tubulure 3 Bride sur Corps Tubulure Bride emboît. double emboît. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm ,8 7, ,8 7, ,8 7, ,8 8, ,8 9, ,8 10, ,4 7, ,4 9, ,4 11, ,0 7, ,0 8, ,0 10, ,0 12, ,2 8, ,2 10, ,2 13, ,4 8, ,4 10, ,4 14, ,6 8, ,6 10, ,6 13, ,6 15, ,8 8, ,8 10, ,8 13, ,8 16, ,0 8, ,0 10, ,0 13, ,0 18, BRIDE EMBOITEMENT AVEC BRIDE FIXE OU MOBILE (PN 10, 16, 25*) DN e L d mm mm mm mm 80 7, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
11 DN DN RACCORDS A BRIDES (FIXES OU MOBILES) EN 545 PN 10, 16, 25* ISO 2531 COUDE 90 (1/4) DN e L mm mm mm 80 7, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , COUDE 45 (1/8) DN e L mm mm mm 80 7, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
12 DN DN RACCORDS A BRIDES (FIXES OU MOBILES) EN 545 PN 10, 16, 25* ISO 2531 COUDE A PATIN 90 (1/4) DN e L c d mm mm mm mm mm 80 7, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , CÔNE DN DN e1 e2 L Corps Tubulure mm mm mm mm mm ,2 7, ,5 7, ,4 7, ,0 8, ,6 9, ,2 9, ,8 10, ,4 10, ,0 10, ,2 12, ,4 13, ,0 13, ,6 14, ,8 15, ,0 16,
14 Type E Type B RACCORDS A EMBOITEMENTS AVEC JOINTS MECANIQUES EN 545 ISO 2531 COUDE 90 (1/4) & 45 (1/8) Coude 90 Coude 45 Ø L r L r nominal +/- +/- mm mm mm mm COUDE 22,5 (1/16) & 11,25 (1/32) Coude 22,5 Coude 11,25 Ø L r L r nominal +/- +/- mm mm mm mm
15 RACCORDS A EMBOITEMENTS AVEC JOINTS MECANIQUES EN 545 ISO 2531 MANCHON CÔNE Grand Petit L DN DN mm mm mm NOUS CONSULTER DN e L d mm mm mm mm 80 7, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , BRIDE EMBOITEMENT Ø nominal L (DN) mm mm
17 RACCORDS DROITS EN 545 ISO 2531 BRIDE BOUT UNI* (PN 10, 16, 25**) DN DE e L mm mm mm mm , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,0 600 * collerette d ancrage disponible sur demande ** sur demande MANCHETTE BRIDE BRIDE* DN DE e L mm mm mm mm ,0 250/ ,2 250/ NOUS CONSULTER ,8 250/ ,4 250/ ,0 250/ ,6 250/ ,2 250/ ,8 250/ ,4 250/ ,0 250/ ,2 250/ ,4 250/ ,0 250/ ,6 250/ ,8 250/ ,0 250/500 *moulée ou soudée PLAQUE PLEINE DN a b D mm mm mm mm 80 19,0 16, ,0 16, NOUS CONSULTER ,0 16, ,0 17, ,0 19, ,5 20, ,5 22, ,0 24, ,0 26, ,5 27, ,0 31, ,0 34, ,0 36, ,0 38, ,5 41, ,0 45,
26 REVÊTEMENTS SPÉCIAUX Les revêtements extérieurs suivants sont également disponibles : revêtement en zinc métallique pur 99,99% avec une masse minimale de 400g/m2 suivi d une couche de finition ; produit bitumineux pigmenté avec des matériaux pour hautes températures et résistance aux UV ; AVANTAGES D'UN REVÊTEMENT INTÉRIEUR EN MORTIER DE CIMENT POUR LES TUYAUX : Un revêtement intérieur en mortier de ciment constitue un avantage supplémentaire pour les tuyaux en fonte ductile car il fournit une barrière tant physique que chimique contre la corrosion de la paroi en fonte. Il élimine la rouille et la tuberculisation. revêtement polyuréthane ; revêtement époxy. REVÊTEMENTS SPÉCIAUX Les revêtements suivants sont également disponibles : revêtements en mortier de ciment plus épais ; revêtements en mortier de ciment avec seal coat ; Un seal coat (couche d étanchéité) à base de produit bitumineux ou bien avec une peinture époxy appliquée sur le revêtement en ciment réduit l'effet de lixiviation. Revêtement en zinc Revêtements intérieurs TUYAUX EN FONTE DUCTILE Electrosteel propose un revêtement intérieur en mortier de ciment, appliqué par centrifugation selon les normes suivantes : Normes applicables : EN 545 ISO 4179 revêtements en mortier de ciment avec couche d'époxy ; peinture bitumineuse ; polyuréthane ; époxy. REMARQUE : toute substance utilisée pour le revêtement intérieur des tuyaux et raccords convient pour l eau potable (ACS et rapport de laboratoire agréé par le Ministère de la Santé). L'épaisseur est choisie selon le tableau suivant : Diamètre Epaisseur (mm) nominal (mm) Valeur nominale Tolérance ,0-1, ,0-2, ,0-2,5 RACCORDS EN FONTE DUCTILE Les raccords en fonte ductile sont proposés avec un revêtement intérieur en époxy ou bien en mortier de ciment. Revêtement intérieur en ciment Normes applicables : EN 545 ISO 2531 Le ciment utilisé pour le revêtement intérieur est choisi parmi : le ciment de haut fourneau ; les autres ciments résistants aux sulfates. 26 153554b96e