How To Win Friends And Influence People Bahasa Indonesia.pdf
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A lot of the advice in this book is just good common sense. I think that this book is good to give to people who know it is the right thing to do. I've given this book to a few of my own friends and they all read it and said they were a lot more pleasant once they understood the point the author was trying to make.
Although they are not very in your face, there are also ways to organize that must be taken into account in the organization of the parish. There is no room for a dictatorial organization that takes the place of God. There are priests who are proud and of humble spirit, but none of them should be in charge. The pope is the head of the Church, but the bishop is also in charge of the Church in his diocese. If the bishop does not have a heart for shepherding, he becomes a provincial head instead, while the pope fills the role as shepherd.
For those who are not in full communion with the Church, he enjoins the priests not to sin against chastity by entering into illicit relations. "If the priest becomes the slave of the woman, he sins against his proper ministry. If he violates the chastity of another woman, he sins against the conjugal bond. If he goes outside the Church without the knowledge of the bishop, he sins gravely against the mission of the apostolate. He has transgressed against the sacred vow of obedience." (145)
The period of time when the bishops are called to communion with the pope is called the Period of Exclusion of the cardinals. When cardinals leave their posts, the metropolitanate is "heralded six days with two-hour masses and a jubilee solemnity, which is followed immediately by an episcopal consecration and a solemn common legal deposition." The bishops in turn are called to communion with the pope the following year in an "antiphonary solemn mass which will follow the ceremony of the investiture of the metropolitan." On this solemn occasion, the most senior of the bishops will be nominated for his new position. (139) d2c66b5586