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A brief biography of the English literary critic F. R. Leavis, who made considerable contributions to the study of English literature. This book includes an analysis of Leavis's belief systems. Examines his critique of the present-day English literary establishment and his insistence on the reform of English literary studies. Gives an account of Leavis's advocacy of the approach to literature that he called "Lawrentianism," as well as an analysis of Leavis's concept of the function of literature, literary criticism, and literary history. Also includes an examination of Leavis's belief system, and of his views on the effect of literary studies on society.
Basic textbooks or introductions to different literary theory from writers of the various school of criticism. Includes the basic grammar, lexical and syntax, interpretation, audience, and the history of literary theory.
Basic books or textbooks presenting the different genres and the different types of genre classifications: forms of narration, as well as the Elaboration of Meaning, the Dr. Ulmer, La Jolla Conference and Explanatory Book.
Basic expositions of literary criticism, with emphasis on the four main schools of criticism, the History of Formal Criticism, and the eventual transformation of criticism at the end of the twentieth century.
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