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element Q: Retrieve data from other Database in CakePHP I have two databases say tbl1 and tbl2, How to retrieve data from tbl2 when data in tbl1 is inserted in tbl2 table A: In CakePHP, the "naked" way to access the data from another DB is by doing $this->Model->query(...); The Query() method works on multiple databases. The specific methods for the different databases can be found on Model->Source. If you're using the CakePHP multiple DB support, then you could do. $this->Model->query(...); If you're not using this plugin, then you can use it using the function from the plugin. App::uses('DatabaseSource', 'Model'); $source = new DatabaseSource(); $this->Model->query(...); For information on querying multiple databases in CakePHP, see: http://book.cakephp.org/view/1078/Multiple-Databases#model-query Q: How to detect a window-change (winupdate deactivate) in C# WPF application I have a WPF application built using C# VS 2010. The main user control is a ListBox control which binds to a List on a DataContext: The list is populated in a "created session" so that once the application launches the List is populated with a known list of items. When the application closes the list is cleared and it is re-populated at the next session. I want to refresh the list at the end of each session. d2c66b5586