2-channel Usb3.0 Audio Converter For Mac
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Take your sound new heights with ZOOM's high-speed, high-resolution, low-latency, and ultra-portable UAC-2 SuperSpeed USB 3.0 Audio converter. Now you can get the best out of your laptop at every gig. The UAC-2 is portable, bus-powered (no AC connection required), and built rugged for the road, plus its advanced converters and support for USB 3.0 SuperSpeed ensures superior audio wherever your music takes you.
The HD-CONV-USB-200 captures uncompressed HD 1080p60 video with stereo audio and converts it pixel-for-pixel to USB 3.0. Upon connection, the converter and source are automatically recognized without requiring any configuration or driver installation. In addition to HDMI, the HD-CONV-USB-200 may be used with a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort source by using an appropriate adapter.[1]
The M-Track Solo is the best, most portable recording interface in its class. It delivers 48 kHz audio resolution in a compact and easy to use format that is ideal for creating music on any Mac, PC or iOS device. This versatile interface works great for recording any type of sound source and features a single Combo Crystal Preamp with phantom power, plus a switchable Line / Instrument input making it compatible with any guitar or microphone. Plus, with M-Track Solo's 2-channel recording you can use both line inputs simultaneously to capture digital pianos, drum machines or any other stereo 1/4\" device. M-track Solo is completely powered by USB, removing the need for an external power supply and making it perfectly portable for recording on-the-go. Throw it into your bag, grab a laptop, and create your next podcast, song, or mix anywhere you want!
Our engineers designed Crystal Preamps to provide you with a transparent, low-noise preamp that guarantees the best sound from your microphones and captures your performance exactly the way you intended. The M-Track Solo incorporates pristine A/D converters for digital audio with explosive dynamic range that captures every nuance and subtlety of the performance.
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The audio converter guarantees that you hear each detail of the audio. You can also listen to your mix accurately. With this interface, you can work speedier, make better creative decisions, and benefit from the professional audio performance right from your desktop. The setup is straightforward. To use the great functionalities of this Audient audio interface, you can immediately place an Amazon order and receive it at your anticipated location.
EVO 4 is dedicated to providing high-quality audio recordings right from the start. The clean, accurate EVO preamps and the high-performance AKM converters are the key components of this audio interface. You can instantly begin playing or singing. Smart gain mode automatically sets the level of your microphones.
The high-performance converters from Scarlett allow you to mix and record audio at up to 24-bit/192kHz frequency. You can create huge drums, powerful guitars, and luscious keys according to your requirements. To explore the great features of this Focusrite audio interface, you merely need to place an immediate Amazon order and get it to your registered location.
This Steinberg USB 3.0 audio interface perfectly works with the Mac mini. It is designed with industry-leading converters that offer up to 32-bit/192 kHz audio resolution. With the help of USB-C and super speed USB 3.1 Gen 1 interface, this device supports reliable and fast connectivity to your PC, Mac, and iOS devices. 153554b96e