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As we have to create RESTful web services in codeigniter; so latest codeigniter version is required. Visit codeigniter website and download latest version of codeigniter and unzip it. Create a folder restful-services-in-codeigniter in htdocs or wwwroot folder of your php installation.
To delete a book from database using API deleteBook method is used. Open postman and add following URL in :8888/restful-services-in-codeigniter/api/deletebook.From drop down select delete method. 153554b96e
Taking an undergraduate degree for two years is like finishing a diploma of higher education equivalent to the couple years spent on uni undergrad. whats a diploma? There are various types from graduate, diplomas, advanced and more. Knowing which academic endeavor to pursue for a diploma can be advantageous in the job market. See more details about this education at the College of Contract Management website.