Seven Hills Bar Murder Video Nag
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By the time Fuyuhiko had discovered the bomb's location, Nagito's classmates had also found a laptop which had been prepared by Nagito. It had a video message instructing the traitor to come forward and scan their e-Handbook in order to disarm the bomb. The video message claimed that Nagito already figured out the traitor's identity, but this was a bluff. After a failed attempt by Chiaki, everyone found out the truth about the \"bombs\" and angrily went to the warehouse next door to confront Nagito, as the video instructed. When the group opened the door, it was dark and they could only hear very loud eerie music. Unknown to them, they tipped over Monokuma panels and a lighter prepared by Nagito, starting a fire. The group immediately took the fire grenades from the employee's lounge and attempted to douse the fire, not knowing that Nagito had planted vaporizing poison inside one of them. The poison reached Nagito on the far back of the building and killed him almost instantly. After the sprinklers kicked in and extinguished the flames, the group discovered Nagito's horribly tortured body. Just like he planned and thanks to his Ultimate Luck, the one who threw the poison at him and unknowingly murdered him was the traitor - Chiaki Nanami. 153554b96e