Mahabharat All Episodes Hd Torrent
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"Santi said, 'And that bird, assuming a golden body bright as the rays of the Sun, entered with great force (the region where the Soma was), like a torrent entering the ocean. And he saw, placed near the Soma, a wheel of steel keen-edged, and sharp as the razor, revolving incessantly. And that fierce instrument, of the splendour of the blazing sun and of terrible form, had been devised by the gods for cutting in pieces all robbers
Then the weather broke. First came the windwhipping the sea to frothy peaks and troughs,bullying the trees to bow before it.Then the rain: a few large drops at firstfollowed by blue forked lightning, which lit upthe lashing sea; and then the deafening crash,the cannonades of thunder so explosiveit was as if immortal gods were battlingfor supremacy. The black clouds burst,the long-awaited rain swept down in sheetspounding, sluicing over the thirsty land.Everything that lived opened itselfto the reviving torrent. 2b1af7f3a8