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To play War of the Ring, you need the game client which is written in Java, so you also need to install the Java client. Directly download the game client at the War of the Ring Ladder page, and download the Java client from the Oracle Java page.
Alternatively, the WOTR Toolkit can automate setup (getting the client, unzipping the client, and downloading and installing the Java client for you), but note that the Toolkit is Windows only (no Mac or Linux versions).
With the Toolkit installed, simply open the configuration screen Ctrl+WinKey+/ and select "Download and install a new copy of the client" to automatically fetch and install the WOTR Java Client (and the Java runtime if required). Can either download the Standalone Toolkit or the Full Source Code version.
One of the best ways to learn War of the Ring strategy is to replay log files which record entire games. For example, every log file from the 2016 International Online Tournament can be downloaded and studied here. The games are links that say fr (Free People Ring victory, reached the Cracks of Doom without being corrupted), fm (Free People Military victory, Free Peoples achieved 4 Victory Points), sr (Shadow Ring victory, the Fellowship was corrupted), sm (Shdadow Military victory, Shadow achieved 10 Victory Points). To use these, open the War of the Ring client in the base game (these are all base 2nd Edition games) and then go to the Replay menu > Load Replay File... and select a log file. Turn up the speed with Ctrl-Shift-Equals (5 to 8 times is good to get a decent speed), then start the game replay with Ctrl-Space. Pause/Play the game throughout playback again with Ctrl-Space.Play/Pause (Ctrl-Space), Faster (Ctrl-Shift-Equals), Slower (Ctrl-Minus), Next Breakpoint (Ctrl-B), Insert Breakpoint (no shortcut), Step (Space)Note: you can't make the game log go backwards using the replay tool, but you can see each action in the output at bottom right to look at anything you missed.
As the Free Peoples player you command the proud hosts of the most important kingdoms of the Third Age. From the horse-lords of Rohan to the soldiers of Gondor and the Elven lords of Rivendell, you lead the defense of the last free realms of Middle-earth. 2b1af7f3a8