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I want to thank my guests for coming on today and sharing her story. And of course, I'd like to thank Ian pen from Medtronic diabetes and remind you to go to Impend today.com to get the insulin pen that does more. And of course, Dexcom, makers of the Dexcom G six, they'd like you to come over and see if you're eligible for a free 10 day trial, the Dexcom g six@dexcom.com. Forward slash juice box. And if you don't need the trial, just want to get going. You can do that on my link as well. links in the show notes of your podcast player, and links at juicebox podcast.com to Dexcom in pen and all the sponsors. When you support the sponsors, you're supporting the production of the show. And for that I think you among other things there are a lot of series within the podcast that people listen to that kind of standalone items and I've put them all in one place. You can find them at juicebox podcast.com. At the top of the page you'll see home episodes other stuff right but then you'll see after dark asks gotten Jenny algorithm pumping bulb Beginnings The finding diabetes to finding thyroid diabetes, pro tip diabetes variables meant For Wellness, they're all there. If I see you guys using the links and enjoying them, I actually have a couple more things I'll put up there for you. So if you're in a browser there at the top of the page, if you're on your phone, you have to hit the three lines, that means menu and then it'll drop down and show it to you. So I'm just going to click on one to give you an idea I'm gonna click on bold beginnings, takes you to a page says if you were just diagnosed with type one diabetes, the ball beginning series, did you bah bah bah. And it lists all the episodes honeymooning adult diagnosis long acting insulin. So there's a ton of them there. I'm not going to read them all to you. Right there. There's an online player you can list the all the episodes there are you can launch links to Apple podcasts, Spotify, I heart podcast, Amazon music, you can of course, go to your own podcast app and search for bold beginnings Juicebox Podcast there, you scroll down a little more, and you'll see links to defining diabetes, the thyroid series, algorithm pumping diabetes variables, s on and on. They're all right there. Just watch it. Here's the afterdark I click on that. Now I'm on a different page for afterdark it's amazing how the internet works. You know, the internet. It's magical. Anyway, you can find all these in the podcast player you're listening in right now. But I wanted to make them accessible and shareable on the website. And that I've done and now I've told you about it. And because of all this and that and the other thing, I'm not finished. I'm dizzy. I've done five of these tonight. I hope you guys have a good weekend. I'm gonna go to sleep 153554b96e