Future Point Leo Gold Astrology Software Free Download
CLICK HERE ::: https://urlca.com/2tifpl
Disclaimer: The above-mentioned software is an online/ internet based Astrology Software and is available to download through the below mentioned links in two formats: offline kundli software free download for pc.
The Horoscope Free Software provides all the necessary data predictions, along with chart calculations and matchmaking apparatus. All you need is a working internet connection and you are all set to have the best astrology software online at absolutely no cost. The features include calculation of your sun sign and moon sign, along with ascendant, Nakshatra, and the various aspects of planets on different houses of the natal chart. The Free Kundali Software also includes Free Horoscope predictions and charts calculating different aspects of life. Now you can also download Free Kundli Software, exclusively available at Future Point.
Arun K. Bansal, is the Chairman of Future Point. He was born and brought up in Delhi. From the very beginning he had keen interest in Astrology and Vedic sciences. Besides topping in M.Sc. in Physics from Delhi University, he also topped in M.Phil. and did research in computer science from Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Delhi. He devoted a great deal of time to Astrology also. His knowledge of Astrology and computer science inspired him to develop the first ever program on Astrology in 1981, when computers were not so popular in India. He started his own organization Future Point (P) Ltd. in 1985. He developed the most popular Leo-1, Leo-99,Leo Gold and now leostar programs on various systems of Astrology like Parashar, Jaimini, Tajik and K.P. which are very popular in India and abroad. He has also developed astrological programs with graphical presentations named Astrograph, wherein you can know about your future on daily basis accurately. He has introduced his astrological software on Palm Organizer too. Besides astrology calculation, prediction and remedial measures, it includes program on Numerology, Varshaphal, Matchmaking and Lal Kitab. This package is a boon for the astrologers. Now he is working on software for share market predictions which gives predictions about share market trend. It is winning lot of popularity. He is one of the best consultant astrologers in modern India. 153554b96e